Efforts to prevent new coronavirus infections and requests to visitors


In order to prevent the new coronavirus infection, we have been implementing various measures.
Also, please let us request you to "wash and disinfect your hands" and "implement temperature measurement of your body".
We apologize for your inconvenience and thank you for your cooperation in advance.
* Click the link below for details.

→ 新型コロナウイルス対策会議の実施
About conduct of new type coronavirus (COVID-19) measures meeting.

→ 弊社来訪者様へのお願い、及び感染防止対策への取組みについて
ウチヤ・サーモスタット梶@代表取締役社長 清水澄人
Uchiya Thermostat Co., Ltd. measures to prevent new type of corona (COVID-19) infection.
Requests to our visitors and efforts to prevent infection.
by Sumito Shimizu , President.

→ 新型コロナウイルス感染症予防対策の実施例ご紹介
Example of prevention of new type coronavirus (COVID-19) infection

→ 新型コロナウイルス感染症予防対策の実施例ご紹介(第2報)
Example of prevention of new type coronavirus (COVID-19) infection (report 2)

→ 新型コロナウイルス感染症予防対策の実施例ご紹介(第3報)
Example of prevention of new type coronavirus (COVID-19) infection (report 3)

→ 新型コロナウイルス感染への緊急事態宣言の再発令(2021年おんど2月号)
Reannouncement of state of emergency for new coronavirus infection
(Monthly "Ondo" Feb. 2021 issue)

State of countermeasure meeting